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Facilities Management

Our Mission

  • Maintain the physical environment and provide services to help fulfill the university's mission.
  • Provide quality services and good facilities for learning, working, and living while maintaining a beautiful setting and fostering good public relations.
  • Prepare for the future of the university by anticipating long-term needs and constructing quality facilities.
  • Provide for the personal development of our employees by encouraging spiritual growth, good work habits, vocational training, creative thinking, and self-motivation.

To accomplish this mission, Facilities Management will be service-oriented. We will recognize university and individual needs and meet those needs in a timely manner. We will maintain high standards in our personal life and workplace to set a good example.

Facilities Management Values

In addition to our mission and vision, we have selected values we must remember in our dealings with co-workers and customers. These are ideals we must live with along the road as we work toward our vision.

  • Fairness and honesty to each other, to our customers, to tithe-payers, to the government, and to ourselves.
  • Mutual respect and selfless service. Each of us has unique abilities we can share with others who have special needs.
  • High standards of behavior in our personal life and workplace. We must act like ladies and gentlemen. Quality and timeliness in our services and products - the kind of service that makes customers want to return for more.